Program Read Japan
V roku 2010 pribudlo do fondu Oravskej knižnice Antona Habovštiaka 30 kníh z katalógu “100 books for understanding contemporary Japan”, ktoré približujú vybrané aspekty japonskej domácej i zahraničnej politiky, ekonomiky, biznisu, spoločnosti, kultúry, literatúry, umenia a histórie. Publikácie sme získali v rámci programu “Read Japan” nadácie Nippon Foundation, ktorý je zameraný na darovanie kníh knižniciam po celom svete. Do roku 2009 bolo prostredníctvom programu obdarovaných 351 knižníc, medzi nimi i jedna zo Slovenska (Ústredná knižnica Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave). Viac informácií o programe “Read Japan” na
Zoznam darovaných kníh:
Politika a medzinárodné vzťahy
- Constructing Civil Society in Japan : Voices of Environmental Movements
- Cultural Norms and National Security : Police and Military in Postwar Japan
- Governing Japan : Divided Politics in a Resurgent Economy
- Japan Remodeled : How Government and Industry Are Reforming Japanese Capitalism
- Japanese Foreign Policy at the Crossroads : Challenges and Options for the Twenty-First Century
- Japan’s Love-hate Relationship with the West
- Securing Japan : Tokyo’s Grand Strategy and the Future of East Asia
- The Turbulent Decade : Confronting the Refugee Crises of the 1990s
Ekononika a biznis
- 21st-Century Japanese Management : New Systems, Lasting Values
- Japan in the 21st Century : Environment, Economy, and Society
- Japan’s Financial Crisis : Institutional Rigidity and Reluctant Change
- Capitalism: Welfare Capitalism: Japan and Germany versus the Anglo-Saxons
- The Japanese Economic System and Its Historical Origins
Spoločnosť a kultúra
- Bushido: the Soul of Japan
- Gender and Development : The Japanese Experiment in Comparative Perspective
- Japanamerica : How Japanese Pop Culture Has Invaded the U.S.
- Science, Technology and Society in Contemporary Japan
Literatúra a umenie
- The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Literature : From 1945 to the Present
- Contemporary Japanese Film
- Erotic Grotesque Nonsense : The Mass Culture of Japanese Modern Times
- Five Modern Japanese Novelists
- Japanese Women Writers : Twentieth Century Short Fiction
- Manga : Sixty Years of Japanese Comics
- The Midnight Eye Guide to New Japanese Film
- Origins of Modern Japanese Literature
- From Mahan to Pearl Harbor : The Imperial Japanese Navy and the United States
- Japanese Imperialism 1894-1945
- The Atomic Bomb : Voices from Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- Victors’ Justice: the Tokyo War Crimes Trial
- Emperor of Japan : Meiji and His World, 1852-1912